Sunday, March 25, 2012

Something Was Said ~ Reflections Cards

It's getting to that time of year when you need a stack of note cards to send out for teacher appreciation, thank you cards and Mothers Day greetings.  I have created some fun new card designs.  Take a look in this post and in the post titled Something Was Said ~ Randomly Simple Cards that follows to check it out! (**Also, look beyond the card posts to view my quirky bird paintings on old hymnal sheets that are now available.)

I am offering a set of 12 cards from my Reflections line.These are 4 different cards depicting child-like art that reflect on some of our most commonly shared experiences.  Journeying Through Life, Friendship, Faith and the Wonder of Creation.   I like to keep things frivolous but clean and simple in my work.

Bird Tulips

This image captures the concept of faith in God.  One of the foundational verses in scripture is where Jesus challenges people to look at birds and flowers.  If He cares for something so small, He will He not take care of us even more? Yes.

Howdy Partner

It's always a good idea to stay connected to the people you love.

FireWork Flowers

I am continually struck by the fact that art imitates created life.  These painted flowers look so similar to fireworks.  So much of our innovative, artistic, industrial and engineering endeavors are mere reflections of creation.  


We all have a life to live.  It really is our choice as to whether we decide to seek a journey of new discoveries or remain unadventurous.

These are 4x5 1/2" and come with a white envelope.  The inside is blank for your own personal greeting. A set of  12 is $10.  

Something Was Said ~ Randomly Simple Cards

I've taken simple images and ideas of animals and nature and designed 4x5 1/2" note cards.  Sometimes it's the most basic and uncomplicated things in life that speak to our soul.  That is why this line is called Randomly Simple.  I love it when unassuming and unexpected concepts, images and words cut right through my complicated and over loaded heart.

These cards have a blank inside for your own personal greeting and come with a white envelope. A set of 14 cards with envelopes is $7. 

 I would love to share them with you!  Just let me know if you'd like a set!

P.S.  If you want to take a sneak peak at my Birds on Hymns....just go to the very next post titled Birds Are Here to take a look!  Enjoy

The Birds Are Here

As in an earlier post, I've created a few more quirky birds to share.  I am kind of stuck on birds lately.

The last few years I've had to face some mountainous fears.  Things I never thought I'd have to deal with.  Somehow birds kept showing up on my back deck, on the tree outside my window, singing in the early morning hours just before dawn.  Maybe I just kept noticing them?  I don't know?

These little guys would instantly remind me of the verses in Matthew 6:25-27 

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, 
what you will eat or drink; or about your body, 
what you will wear. Is not life more than food, 
and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air;
 they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, 
and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. 
Are you not much more valuable than they? 
Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"

Somehow I would have the peace I needed when I remembered these verses.  When things got tough, a little bird happened to show up and I was reminded all over again.

When I go through difficult stuff I tend to think about people in my life who have gone before me.  
My parents, grandparents, did they deal with hard times?  
How did they make it through?

My mom knows a lot of hymns.  She loves them!  She says that they remain in her mind and often times pop into her head just when she needs a gentle reminder of God's love and faithfulness to her.

My bird project is a reflection of all these things.  

I've taken a old hymnal and painted a few child-like renditions of birds on the yellow and tattered pages.  I relate to a child's perspective, vulnerable, curious, and colorful.  So much of my work is my attempt to emulate a child's take on life.  In fact, some of the designs are actually from my children's art work when they were little.

I love the idea of innocent vulnerability mingled with age old, time tested truths.  

 I am excited to share them with you.  They are approximately 6"x 9".  They look so cute framed, especially in floating frames.  I am making them available for $7.  If you would like one please let me know!!  If you would like one framed I can make that happen for an additional cost.

Here they are!

Blue Humming Bird

Bright Yellow Fellow

Mint Green Chick-a-dee

Fully Red Robin

Teal Sea Gull

Blueish Duck

Yellow Finch

Friday, March 2, 2012

sing sweetly sweet birds.....

So lately I've been fixated on birds.

I'm not quite sure why.  I am not particularly a bird person but they seem to be speaking to me as of late.  They have some mystery to them.  So many times I look out the window to see a small sparrow or finch silently land on a leafless branch.  They seem so small and unnoticed and yet somehow my eye catches them.

Blue Birds Smiling at Me

The cardinals are about to make their appearance as spring is knocking on the door here in Michigan.  As in years past their red feathers will fill my yard like colored treasures.  I keep looking for them.  They keep my hunger for all things new alive.

Red Jewel

I've begun capturing these little creatures on old sheets of music from a hymnal.  These pictures are my first set.  There are many more floating up in my imagination.  So if you are looking for something new to hang up this to share them with you!  Enjoy.

What?  You looking at me?